Sheila Farahani, DDS

Dr. Sheila Farahani
Dr. Sheila Farahani practices at Harmony Dental Wellness in Austin, Tx where her passion for preventive care led her to believe that properly aligned teeth really are the foundation for a healthy life! Before becoming a dentist, Dr. Farahani was a high school science teacher. She continues her passion for education as a national speaker for the AACA and Align Technologies. Dr.Farahani received fellowship with the AACA in 2021 in recognition of her knowledge, experience, and excellence in providing clear aligner therapy. When not serving her patients, she is proud to serve as a board member and KOL for the AACA.
Featured Webinars
How do you know when a case is done and when you need a Refinement? What will you do if one tooth didn’t quite rotate? Or if there are a couple open contacts? What if they are hitting hard in one spot? There are many times that simple fixes can save you from ordering additional aligners and dragging on treatment.
There are a myriad of concerns patients may have during an iTero presentation. Some they may tell you about directly and some you may have to infer. How you reply to their concerns is key to building patient confidence in their treatment plan.