Diamond Club Makers
Dr. Michael Wollock
Want to become a Diamond Invisalign Provider? Then this is the group for you. Dr. Michael Wollock is the #1 single office Provider of Invisalign in North America. Every semester he teaches 25 very lucky individuals his tips/techniques/marketing/office flow material to make you a Diamond Provider of Invisalign.
The program runs 2x a year from Jan 1- June 30th and July 1- Dec 31.
DCM Club Stats:
135.5% Invisalign growth for the average student in DCM.
As of 2023 one-fourth of ALL North American GP Diamonds have been created through DCM. Several starting from only Gold to become Diamonds. One starting from Bronze. With over 30 Diamonds and Diamond Plus’s created to date DCM provides the most consistent and profitable path for anyone with desire to achieve Diamond.
Almost every DCMer has more cases in the six months of the class than in the entire year prior to DCM. With significant continued growth continuing after the class ends. Over the course of a career the impact is incalculable.
Most DCM dentists at least double their profit per hour on their Invisalign cases. All while significantly and profoundly reducing their amount of doctor time and their overall chair time. This frees up a significant amount of time and space to do the most profitable thing they do, restorative. And that has a huge impact on the overall practice’s collections.
Most DCM dentist will tell you their collections went up 150k to 250k in only the six months of the course, let alone the year, or their entire career. And some will tell you they have earned well over 1 million more in practice revenue within that same six month period. It is that profound.
85% of the most recent class jumped at least one tier, about 60% jumped two or more tiers with one dentist jumping seven tiers from Bronze to Diamond. And she is one of four newly created Diamonds out of this most current class.
DCM doctors consistently will comment that the amount of content in each of the 24 lessons alone is like a two-day course that would cost them at least $2500 and two lost days of production from being out of the office. Times 24 lessons would be 48 days out of the office at a cost of 60k just for the CE without considering lost production, travel, etc… And the fact that this content is off the charts impactful all taking place in the palm of your hand on your timeline. (Or there is always SI for 100k a year.)
To apply to be part of this ultra exclusive club visit: diamondclubmakers.com