Free Personal ClinCheck Case Review
Need Help with a ClinCheck of one of your patients?
The AACA is available to help all its members with free personalized case reviews.
To submit a case for the ClinCheck Cowboys to review please follow the following steps:
Follow instructions below to send either an .ADF file or ClinCheck 6.0 link. (Cases sent via the patient facing share function cannot be responded to)
Send 1 case per email to
Ask specific questions for the case that you are sending.
Thank you for your cooperation!
ClinCheck Cowboys
How to access the ADF file
How to Send a Clincheck via Clincheck PRO
How to Send a Clincheck via Clincheck 6.0
ClinCheck Cowboys Disclaimer:
This service is only giving a personal opinion on a modality to treat the case based on the information provided, but the advising doctor and the AACA accept no responsibility or liability for any adverse outcomes directly or indirectly related to any treatments rendered by the treating doctor. All treatment decisions are to be rendered by the treating doctor only and ClinCheck Cowboy or Cowgirl instructions or advise should be carefully analyzed and considered before adopting or implementing. All treatments are the sole responsibility of the treating doctor only.