NOTE: This webinar was only available for live attendees
Six months of weekly lessons and all other topic segments are entirely over WhatsApp. They begin with a complete and detailed progression from A-Z on how I perform Invisalign within my high producing 700 plus cases a year only comprising 1/3 of my 5.1 million collections office. From the consult all the way to completion with each and every step between. I include internal and external marketing, case examples, Clincheck reviews and guidance, patient management, and ways to make Invisalign one of the more profitable procedures within your office while driving your overall growth to new highs. The last third of the course is focused on practice management, creating time and space for the huge increase in production and collections you are about to experience, amplifying your efforts by creating an efficient team around you, and so much more.
Dr. Michael Wollock
For those who don’t know me; I am a Board Member and Fellow of the AACA (American Academy of Cosmetic Aligners), President of the Empire Chapter since its inception; 2016, and Chief Diamond Maker for the Diamond Club Makers. As an organization DCM has produced 1/4 of all North American Diamonds. An incredible rate of success considering there are only 200 total DCM graduates. I personally have been the AACA’s biggest Invisalign producer every year since we have been in existence. I am and have been an Invisalign Diamond PLUS 1%er since 2017. Now, well over 4000 Invisalign cases. I serve as an educator, consultant, and Board Member for Align on its North American GP Advisory Board. And now besides running and practicing in my office on the Main Line of Philadelphia (Dentistry at Suburban Square), I am sharing my vast Invisalign knowledge and experience with fellow dentists through Diamond Club Makers. Where I gain great joy and pride in serving those members. Helping them achieve unparalleled growth in their Invisalign numbers as well as their overall practice collections and management.