Michael Wollock, DMD

Dr. Michael I. Wollock
Dentistry at Suburban Square
32 Parking Plaza suite 604
Ardmore PA 19003
Upon graduating from the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey in 1996, I dedicated myself to providing the best that dentistry has to offer, that has come to include CAT/Invisalign.
While serving as a Captain & dentist in the United States Air Force, I received the coveted Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service. I have also earned the advanced degree of Fellow from the Academy of General Dentistry. As President of The Empire Aligners, I have lead my Team in winning the first Galler Cup awarded to the Top Invisalign General Dentists in North America. I serve on several Boards; The American Academy of Clear Aligners, Align’s North American Scientific Advisory Board, and the Main Line Dental Society for over 10 years. In addition I have been recognized several times as one of the top Invisalign Dentists in the Country. I am a proud member of the Academy of Stomatology; the oldest dental organization in the America. I also teach and mentor dentists around North America in Invisalign and practice/patient management. Finally, I am one of the first general dentists in the Philly metro area to receive Invisalign certification and one of the most experienced, providing more Invisalign then any other single dentist, single office in North America for several years running. I use these extensive skills and knowledge base to provide the finest and most effective treatment anyone can offer.
Dr. Michael I. Wollock, DMD, AGD Fellow Dentistry at Suburban Square, PC 610-649-0313 www.DentistryatSuburbanSquare.com
Featured Webinars
Six months of weekly lessons and all other topic segments are entirely over WhatsApp. They begin with a complete and detailed progression from A-Z on how I perform Invisalign within my high producing 700 plus cases a year only comprising 1/3 of my 5.1 million collections office. From the consult all the way to completion with each and every step between. I include internal and external marketing, case examples, Clincheck reviews and guidance, patient management, and ways to make Invisalign one of the more profitable procedures within your office while driving your overall growth to new highs. The last third of the course is focused on practice management, creating time and space for the huge increase in production and collections you are about to experience, amplifying your efforts by creating an efficient team around you, and so much more.
Six months of weekly lessons and all other topic segments are entirely over WhatsApp. They begin with a complete and detailed progression from A-Z on how I perform Invisalign within my high producing 700 plus cases a year only comprising 1/3 of my 5.1 million collections office. From the consult all the way to completion with each and every step between. I include internal and external marketing, case examples, Clincheck reviews and guidance, patient management, and ways to make Invisalign one of the more profitable procedures within your office while driving your overall growth to new highs. The last third of the course is focused on practice management, creating time and space for the huge increase in production and collections you are about to experience, amplifying your efforts by creating an efficient team around you, and so much more.
Join us for this special night as Dr. David Galler interviews Dr. Michael I. Wollock to uncover the secrets of what it takes to make a Diamond.
A Diamond Provider of Invisalign is the highest level of Achievement an Invisalign Doctor can attain. Dr Michael Wollock has not only achieved this level as a General Dentist for the last 5 years out of his 5 operatory office in Philadelphia, he has coached and mentored dentists to become Diamond! From Ontario to Tampa to California his students learn his best practices and achieve tremendous heights never seen before in the general dentists community. Join us for this special night as Dr David Galler interviews Dr. Michael Wollock to uncover the secrets of a what it takes to make a Diamond.