Bianca Boji, DDS

Dr. Bianca Boji
Chair: Novi Michigan
Dr. Bianca Boji is a Michigan native. Dr. Boji has extensive training in Invisalign treatment and has a heavy Invisalign presence in Metro-Detroit. She has training in predictably accelerating treatment to help you reach the finish line faster. She attends every advanced training course available that pertains to Invisalign and Cosmetic Dentistry. She is a President of the Capone Correctors, a group of highly trained Invisalign dentists in the United States. She mentors these and other Invisalign dentists across North America. Dr. Boji graduated with high honors from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry with a distinction in leadership for founding the Student Professionalism & Ethics Association. She has been married to her husband Nathan for four years and lives locally to her family, including all five of her successful brothers (three ENTs, one attorney, and one medical school student). Dr. Boji has a strong passion for ethical practice within the dental field. Her warm and comforting nature makes her very welcoming to families, especially children.
To check out her work and some smile makeover shots, check out her Instagram page @Biancaboji.DDS.
Featured Webinars
Dr. Bianca Boji will share her top clinical tips, tricks, and troubleshooting techniques regarding Invisalign treatment. You will learn about how to achieve your desired overjet predictably while using IPR strategically. You will also learn how to build trays into your treatment plan that can help you troubleshoot the end of your case.
Social Media can help your office become more approachable and real to an audience that wants to know more about their dentist. An audience that wants to break the traditional dentist-patient relationship down and see what you guys are really up to behind the scenes. To create this relationship,