Vitaly Gantman, DMD

Dr. Vitaly Gantman
Dr. Gantman graduated university of Montreal in 2012. He started doing Brackets and wires and did a complete switch to Invisalign in 2017 after attending REINGAGE and acquiring his first Itero. He is a diamond plus provider since 2020 and Faculty for Invisalign. He offers comprehensive orthodontics to adults and children. He teaches about Invisalign integration, systems, efficiency and combination treatments using Auxiliaries with Invisalign.
Featured Webinars
Learn the importance of early interceptive orthodontics and how to treat with skeletal expansion before using aligners in growing children. Learn the differences between a cemented expander and the new Invisalign Palatal Expander.
Course Objectives
Why treat early and do a phase 1
- How and why use a Hyrax
- How and why use IPE (Invisalign palatal expander)
Understanding skeletal expansion benefits versus dental expansion.
Class II malocclusions represent 50% of the consults that walk in our doors. These patients deserve to be offered several options of treatment including a correction of their malocclusion, especially in their young adult years. The Carriere Motion Appliance and Invisalign work seamlessly and predictably together to correct Class II and Class III malocclusions. We will review indications for treatment, the consult process, protocols, and troubleshooting to make this treatment as predictable as possible. We will present a unique protocol that is tailored to the adult population and helps them achieve their esthetic goals as quickly as possible while you get the functional correction you want. No compromise.
You will learn the many advantages of using Invisalign in combination with the Carriere Motion Appliance in a unique way.